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Welcome Church Family, Friends & Neighbors.

In response to current events we have decided...

  • To cancel Sunday Worship Service at the Church for the following two Sundays (3/22 & 3/29).

  • To redouble efforts as an Eldership team to reach out to each one under our spiritual care.

  • To work at leveraging our current connectivity in the age in which we live.

    • Begin recording and streaming our Sunday Worship service so that our Church family and neighbors can view from their homes and link it here.

    • Begin pulling together additional resources that might be helpful to Members, Families, Neighbors, Shut-ins, Students and more. Posting them here on the Church Webpage.

  • To meet as a leadership team in the coming weeks when we know more, in order to make proper adjustments at that time for services that will follow.


All in an effort to be faithful followers, good citizens, loving neighbors and above all refusing to cease doing the work of the Church. We would encourage you to partake and serve alongside us as we are able. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the elders with any question or request.


Faithfully Yours,

The Elders.

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