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Bible Study Resources
Media like Videos/Audio/Etc
Ozark Christian College Bible Study videos about different themes and books in Scripture. High School/College Level
the Bible Project : Overview videos of Books and Themes in Scripture. Not the final word on anything but a good overview often times! Can also just search YouTube for them.
Bible Study Videos temporarily available at the moment. Lots to check out.
John Whittaker's Listener's Commentary - A Bible College Professor who records 20 minute or so recordings on New Testament Books. Adds more each week. Find him wherever you download podcast too.

Apps & More...

The go-to Bible App. Just read 1 of many translations OR check out a Reading plan that you can follow throughout the week or with your friends. Keep up on each other's progress and chime in on what you learned. Create backgrounds with favorites scriptures and more. www.youversion.com

The daily audio Bible. Exactly that. Some of the Bible read everyday. Subscribe to main one (A little Old Testament, New Testament and then Psalms) or pick on of the many others. Just another way to be in Scripture throughout the week as you drive/workout/run. Guy has a cool "Radio" voice. Is a good App too.

Deeper Dive -Ephesians Study
Ephesians by Michael DeFazio -
YouTube Channel here....
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Sunday Worship at SCC June 14th

Online Worship Alternative for June 28th, 2020