Strange happenings.
Day 36, Friday, MT 8:28-9:1; MK 5:1-20; LK 8:26-39
[1] Was there “one” or “two” demoniacs who met Jesus when He arrived at the Gadarenes? Mark and Luke say Jesus was met by a demon-possessed man, while Matthew says there were two? Is this a reason to believe that the Bible made a mistake?
[2] What was the name of the demon? What does the name mean?
[3] Why allow the demons to enter the pigs? Why not just send them back to Hell?
[4] Why would people beg Jesus to leave them rather than beg Him to stay with them?
[5] What happened as a result of the healing of the demoniac?
[6] Is it more important to read about the great things God has done in the lives of people, OR to go and tell others what He is doing today in your life?