March, Wk 3's Journey

Hey folks! Good morning. We're going to try something a little different this week. With the Easter season right upon us and lots of other things happening in the office the next couple weeks we're going to post the whole week's material at the beginning of each week. We'll still try and link the scriptures to them for your quick reference. Thanks for fellowship on this journey!
Through the New Testament in a Year
March 14-20 - ?’s & Thoughts to Ponder
Monday, March 14, John 11:1-44
Lazarus, Mary and Martha are god friends of Jesus. Naturally he was concerned and had compassion on them. Jesus wants to make a point in this event, in this time of death. When he reveals to Martha that he is the resurrection and life he is really telling her that resurrection is not found in miracles, circumstances, events, specific time period, person or belief. He is the resurrection. It is only found in him. Is anything to hard for God?
Tuesday, March 15, John 11:45-54
Raising of the dead was not enough for the Pharisees. Verse 48 indicates that their own agenda was priority, not the saving of the people.
This was the beginning of the plotting of Jesus’ death, even though they rejected their own lay in doing so. Beware of pride.
Wednesday, March 16, Mt. 19:1-12, Mk 10:1-12, LK 18:1-14
Mark says that all who divorce commit adultery
Matthew says unfaithfulness is the only thing allowed for divorce.
God said that no man can separate what he has joined.
Divorce was allowed by Moses because of the hardness of people’s hearts.
Luke reminds us that he who humbles himself will be exalted.
As Christians, are the marriage vows serious to us? Will we humble ourselves to God in our Marriage?
Thursday, March 17, Mt. 19:13-15, MK 10:13-16, Lk 18:15-17
What is childlike faith?
Who brought the children to Jesus? (Parents)
Children were totally dependent on parents for all needs.
What does that say to us concerning our faith in Jesus?
Friday, March 18, Mt. 19:16-23, MK 10:17-24, Lk 18:18-24
What should have been the question, instead of what good thing?
Jesus said follow me. The man did not want to change directions in his life. Are we fully committed to Jesus?
Saturday, March 19, Mt. 19:24-20:16, MK 10:25-31, Lk 18:25-30
The disciples ask an important question. Who can be saved?
As other scripture reminds us, there is only one way. (Jesus)
All who place Christ first will receive 100 times in the age to come. (eternal Life)
Sunday, March 20, Mt. 20:17-28, MK 10:32-45, Lk 18:31-34
Were James and John looking to be served or to serve?
Did they understand at this time the Kingdom and purpose of Jesus? He had told them of his death.